SAFEDI - distance warning with contact tracing
Unique accuracy in contact tracing without personal data

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100% precision in analysis – 100% secure privacy – 100% visibility: SAFEDI records close contacts and analyzes chains of infection much more accurate than any smartphone app – without using any personal data, without any misadjustment while using, without any accidental deactivation.

Anonymous Close Contact Tracing Journal
Each SAFEDI is assigned an anonymous close contact tracing journal that records which SAFEDIs have come too close to each other – completely without using any personal data. By recording both IDs, the so-called double check, SAFEDI offers the best close contact tracing worldwide! The transmission works via Bluetooth® with the SAFEDI Synchro Hub.
Unique quality in data analysis
100% secure privacy
Keeps your company operating in case of an infection
SAFEDI Synchro Hub
SAFEDI Synchro Hub is a stand alone solution, which serves you as charging station and at the same time synchronizes the SAFEDI IDs into the Anonymous close contact tracing journal.

No private smartphone needed
SAFEDI is always in your company and always charged
SAFEDI is always synchronized

SAFEDI Eventbox
The SAFEDI Eventbox is the ideal solution for events and seminars. It enables SAFEDIs to be linked to an admission ticket or a confirmation of participation via NFC.
Scope of delivery SAFEDI Eventbox
- 60 SAFEDIs
- portable case
- LTE-capable SAFEDI Synchro Hub for using the Eventbox without WIFI for up to 180 SAFEDIs
- Charging station for charging up to 60 SAFEDIs
- Controller for putting SAFEDIs into transport mode
Mobile and versatile
Connection with a ticket possible
Ready for use without need of WLAN

Made in Austria
SAFEDI is a subsidiary of the Heron Innovations Factory. SAFEDI was developed in Vorarlberg and is manufactured and sold on site in Dornbirn.